-Dr. Jean Lee: Dental Surgeon

Dr. Jean Lee is a Dental Surgeon with over 30 years experience spanning four continents. A dentistry graduate from the National University of Singapore with post-graduate work in McGill University, Canada, he has successfully created and led a private practice in Montreal.



-Timothy A. Shafer CAR, BCST

Timothy is the founder of the Indian Peaks Wellness Center in Ft. Collins, Colorado and is recognized as one of the foremost practitioners in the fields of Rolfing Structural Integration and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. With a BS in electrical engineering, his early work on circuit boards and power supplies lead him to direct his talents to the care of the more complex systems in the human body in 1993. Timothy has been practicing martial arts for nearly 3 decades, is recognized as a senior master and was recently chosen to lead the Tiger Arts Association.



- Deborah A. Coby, EnK, BCST

Deborah is a Nuerokinesiologist, Applied Physiologist and a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. She holds degrees in physics, biochemistry and psychology. Deborah spent the early years of her career as an EMTA mountain rescuer and holds a black belt in Okinawan Karate. She has been practicing at the Indian Peaks Wellness Center in Ft. Collins, CO since 2003.


- Sébastien Thibault: Occupational Therapist, Assistive Devices

Sébastien Thibault is an adept Occupational Therapist with over 13 years experience in his field. His work includes geriatrics, rheumatology, hand-therapy and assistive technologies. He has pioneered assistive aids programs within institutions where helping patients achieve independence despite severe impairments and handicaps is a way of life.